Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sleeping update and 2 firsts

The mystery of Friday night's poor sleep has been solved. All hail the arrival of tooth #2! O's other lower front tooth has just shown itself, so I'm chalking up his regression to teething. Last night he slept like a champ.

Today he had 3 firsts -
1. His first foray into the kitchen cabinet, leading to 75% of our plastic tupperware being removed from the cabinet
2. His first unrolling of toilet paper in the bathroom into a pile, which he thought was the best ever
3. He tried to pitch head first off the couch - he's used to flinging himself forward from a sitting position to get in pseudo-crawling mode. Doing this while sitting on the couch is not recommended. Fortunately, TBHE was there to catch him

OK, the sleeper awakes

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