Tuesday, February 10, 2009

'Mommy Go Peepee'

Did this really have to be Owen’s first sentence? It’s been closely followed by ‘Daddy go work’ and ‘Mommy go work’. Otherwise, he says ‘bye bye (fill in inanimate object)’ any time we go up or down the stairs. Bye bye light, bye bye cat, bye bye fish. He still tries out new word combos when he wakes up in the morning and it’s cute to hear him talking to himself over the monitor.

My favorite is of course ‘love yoooo love yoooo’, which gets used in 3 instances – 1. Owen is trying to get Carla to let him misbehave 2. He’s trying to get his way by manipulating his parents/nanny Carla/the world 3. He loves us. I’ll just assume it’s mostly # 3 and less of #2 and #1, although it is cute to hear in any context.

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