Wednesday, September 07, 2005

300 is a lot of mums

That's about how many potted mums I saw sitting in serried ranks on the DC sidewalk this morning. To plant that many in one day, the landscapers will need to communicate clearly: no mumbling. They should watch out for their health; if they get swollen jaws, they should get checked for mumps. If they get bored, they could take a quick break to play mumblety-peg. Kerry's mum sure would like seeing all those flowers, maybe even more than the Egyptian mummies at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Speaking of New York museums, though, MoMA is pretty good, too. But enough of this. Time to get some coffee and get back to work. Mmmm... maybe I should sprinkle some cinnamum and cardamum in my coffee...


Old Father William said...


travis said...

You know, I wanted to work in Mumenschantz somehow, but I didn't know how to spell it (or what it was).

Anonymous said...

So Travis, did you find out what Mumenschantz is? Or how to spell it? :)