Monday, August 15, 2005

Is a working knowledge of Basque obscure?

Thanks to seeing Eric twice over the last week, I know that the answer is "not enough". After all, being able to translate from Basque to English got Eric published. (Zikloa, by Joseba Olalde, Arabera, Gasteiz, 2004 - and yes, all of those words are spelled correctly.) So now he's off to spend two years studying patristics, the theological debate and evolution of the first five centuries of Christianity. It's not just St Augustine; there's a dizzying array of bishops and heresies and monk rumbles.

It's a joy to me that I know someone who wants to study these things, who has the knowledge of ancient languages to study these things, and who can already discuss them at length in historical context, and see the connection to his personal and modern Church life. People really can be extraordinary.


David said...

or just downright crazy in eric's case :)

Old Father William said...

I love crazy.

Anonymous said...

Nitaz hitz egiten duzuela Sarean asko gustatzen zait. Nahiz eta zorrotuta izan, ondo bizi naiz -- nork eztabaituko luke hori? Zuek asko maite zaituztet

Anonymous said...

edonor erotzeko modukoa da gabe

Old Father William said...

Ixnay on the Asquebay!