Friday, March 27, 2020

Moving plan

Dad's discharge on 31 March has been confirmed. I'll head to Tulsa today, and next Tuesday, I'll caravan with medical transport van back to Dallas. He'll enter skilled nursing only a couple of miles from our house. There he will continue his current therapies, albeit at about half of the time per day that he's had during rehab. This will continue for an unknown amount of time - on the order of weeks, we expect - as long as he's "showing progress".

The weird part about this exercise for me is that, due to covid-19, I won't be able to see Dad in person until he discharges on Tuesday morning. And once he's admitted here in Dallas, I'll have to say goodbye again, not even able to see him into his room. I understand the reason for all this, and I'm confident that the facility here is good, but it's still a very strange feeling.

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