Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Get ready for Pi Day

3.1415926... Take the first few digits, and it looks like March 14th. Some people go even further and say that you should celebrate at 1:59pm, but I don't know about that. a) It invites arguments over 12 versus 24-hour time format, or the unpleasant suggestion that one should celebrate at 1:59am. b) It's pi, dude. It describes the size of every circle ever, plus showing up in standard probability distributions and Buffon's needle problem - it's earned a whole day.


Anonymous said...

they opted for 1:159 pm in school today. they interrupted class and made an announcement that it was pi day at 1:59. i was lucky enough to be in a math class, so kids figured it out pretty quickly.

Old Father William said...

Oh... a belated happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

Carrie's sister Molly mentioned Pie Day when Alex Trebeck asked her if she and her friends had any usual customs9 She made an appearance and was a one day champion of Jeopardy). Of course Molly's version was about actually eating pie. Ah, from one who scored perfect on the SAT...