Monday, October 02, 2006


Sorry, it's been a while since the last post. Last week was really busy at work, and besides and before that, I just haven't had a heck of a lot to say.

Last Saturday, I went up to West Baltimore for some neighborhood cleanup around Monroe Street United Methodist Church, a church Glen Mar has partnered with for about five years. I found a piece of notebook paper lying in the street, with a message written in large hand:

Find another house to shoot dope in. I am tired of coming home to the stove being left on.
- Me
A simple request, but I was most struck by the comment about the stove. It seems to say, "Look, I'm not really thrilled about the dope-shooting in my house, but I could live with it if you were just a little more conscientious about turning off the stove when you were done." Of course, some people are never satisfied. No doubt, if they did turn off the stove, "Me" would start complaining about the needles left lying around.

I plan to submit this to Found.

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