Saturday, January 31, 2009

Croup Sucks

Owen (knock wood) doesn’t get sick that often. Maybe it’s the lack of daycare or just luck, who knows? He just got croup for the first time, and wow does it suck. He’s been waking up 20+ times a night with a barking cough that sounds like a seal. We have the humidifier, he plays in the shower every night before bed, but the little dude just feels puny. The coughing scares him, which makes him cry, which makes the barking cough worse. Rocking him back to sleep helps, as does sleeping in Travis’s arms in the rocking chair, which we haven’t had to do Owen was very new and tiny.
On the plus side, O has picked up some new words. He now says ‘bless you’ any time someone sneezes or coughs. He also says ‘temperature’ (tim-puh-tuu) when we use the thermometer now. It’s pretty cute to hear, even if he is all congested.

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